Want do to robotics? We are looking for graduate students and research assistants to join our group at University of Colorado Boulder and conduct research in Human-Robot Interaction, Robot Control and Artificial Intelligence. For more information about our research and potential student projects, please visit our research page.
For Fall 2024, we will be holding group meetings ECOT 831 on Tuesdays at 9.30 am. Feel free to stop by if you want to have a chat!!
Who you are
- Somebody who likes robotics
- Somebody dedicated to achieving their graduate and career goals
- An inquisitive and independent individual who works hard because she likes what she does (in return, I will work hard for your success)
- Somebody with experience in and/or exposure to (depending on level of seniority):
- C++ and/or Python
- Git and/or other versioning system
- Kinematics, Computer Vision, Robotics, Control, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing (in no particular order)
- Linux (all the robot code runs on Ubuntu)
- ROS, the Robot Operating System
- You do not need to be an expert programmer if you have strong background in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering or industrial/product design.
It is not necessary to have all the skills listed above!! However, experience with at least one of the tools/techniques and willingness to learn others as needed will allow us to do some cool research! At the end of your project, you will have expertise in (in random order):
- ROS, the Robot Operating System
- Robotics perception
- Robotics control
- Computer science skills
- Machine learning (depending on project)
- Optimization techniques (depending on project)
If all goes well, a conference publication for the senior projects is more than reasonable. Plus, a cool robot demo is always something to be proud of!!
How to get involved
If you are a current CU student
If you are a current CU student [graduate or undergraduate], please send me an email with the subject: [RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY]. Before reaching out to us, it is highly recommended that you look at Section 1 of our new member to-do list. Hitting the ground running in terms of understanding our research and proposing new ideas is particularly appreciated! Furthermore, please explain in your email why you want to work with us, and attach a transcript of your classes and a CV. If you have an on-line portfolio or code repository, provide a link to them as well in your email. Also, a shorter email is recommended–please be concise and to the point.
If you are a prospective graduate student
If you are a prospective graduate student (PhD or MS), please apply to the graduate program! If you have any further questions, feel free to send me an email with the subject: [PROSPECTIVE PHD STUDENT]. If you want to know more about the graduate program, please go here. Here is an overview of the research performed in the Computer Science Department at CU Boulder:
If you are looking for postdoctoral positions
First, good choice! Doing a post-doc was my best decision ever. Second, as we are currently building up our laboratory, we are not explicitly looking for post-docs, but if you really want to work with me, shoot me an email and we can talk about it!
Our robots
Currently, the Human Interaction and RObotics [HIRO] Group has a Panda robot, a Sawyer robot, two LoCoBots, and a Kuri robot. More platforms are coming!
Panda Robot

Panda robot
Sawyer Robot

Sawyer robot

Kuri Robot

Kuri robot
Who I am
- Someone who thinks robotics is cool!!
- Someone who thinks robotics is cool because:
- There are a lot of scientific problems to solve
- There is a lot of engineering involved (and the engineering component is a scientific pursuit in its own right)
- Both of them are challenging and interesting topics to work on
- Someone with a couple cool robots waiting for people to use them
- Someone who loves running, hiking, skiing, beach volley (but is not necessarily good at any of them)